...just a reminder that the many hundred readers of PHYS-L would appreciate
professional civility from ALL posters regardless of their positions
regarding the various debates and discussions held on PHYS-L. This is
now specifically addressed on the PHYS-L homepage which you should read
if haven't read it in the last 30 days.
PHYS-L is a list dedicated to physics and the teaching of physics with
about 650 subscribers, the majority of whom are physics educators.
Subscriber email addresses represent over 30 countries, and over 100 colleges
and universities in the US alone. Traffic varies from zero to forty
messages/day with an average of about ten per day. All postings are
archived for electronic search and retrieval. Noninflammatory, professional
and courteous postings intended to inform members on how to better
understand, teach and learn physics are always welcome.
Information regarding subscribing to, leaving, suspending, and DIGEST-ifying
PHYS-L; finding PHYS-L member homepages, searching the past 3.5 years
of PHYS-L messages etc. is available at: