...this is both a test to ensure the list is still running
under more draconian subscription rules and a reminder of
some text from the PHYS-L homepage:
selected quotes from that page regarding PHY-L posting etiquette:
Quote Sparingly:
* avoid excessively large replies created by quoting complete
original messages (a real problem for DIGEST-mode readers).
Instead, select and keep only appropriate quoted text,
indicating what is quoted and what is not from the original
message (many email programs will do this automatically) and
manually pruning out irrelevant sections. Indicate deletions.
Leave enough original material so you are not enigmatic.
* prune your email signature to two lines or less
* avoid file attachments. Don't post binary files to PHYS-L; they
are inappropriately long and burdensome to readers and are a
prime vector for computer viruses. PHYS-L has no current
acceptable format for posting pictures and images. The
preferred solution is to create an appropriate web page
somewhere, then post its URL on PHYS-L for web viewing and list
Write Descriptive Subject Lines:
* use descriptive phrases, questions, specific topics or
collections of keywords as your posting subject line. If
replying to a thread identify the thread you are discussing in
the subject line. Many list readers DELETE unrecognizable
subject lines from lists unread in their incoming mail. Subject
lines should aid the retrieval of appropriate information for
months or years in the future. For instance, instead of
Midterm Question use
Harmonic vs. Anharmonic driving forces in musical instruments
Topic, Tone, and Viruses:
* all postings should follow the list topic and intent. PHYS-L
postings should all have purposes specific to the list (in this
case teaching and learning physics, and not jokes about
accountants). This is particularly problematic with the more
specialized physics education lists such as PhysLrnR and
TAP-L, which are deliberately not general lists like PHYS-L.
* an appropriate tone for posting is conversational, not formal
but respectful of others. When emailing, try to speak as if you
were in front of another person. It is inappropriate to use
inflammatory language or personal attacks in list postings.
This IS monitored on PHYS-L and all of the above physics lists.
Moderators and list owners work hard at keeping tone
appropriately professional, welcoming and supportive for all
list members.
* respond first to what the poster has said before developing
your own views and opinions (old business first). Try not to
fall into parallel communication (taking turns to speak but not
carefully reading and attempting to understand replies) in
online exchanges. This usually means you should delay your
responses and reflect on what to say rather than firing off
"knee-jerk" instant replies. Fine conversation has give and
take. Avoid e-rage; don't say things in email you would not say
standing before someone else -- you are NOT talking aloud to
yourself in private.
* The moderate use of emoticons or smileys :^) can be helpful
when conveying attitude, humor or sarcasm. Readers cannot hear
the tone of your voice when you write, making it especially
dangerous to convey sarcasm.
* if you do receive an attachment document or executable file
from any list, quarantine this file in a download folder and
run a virus detector over it before executing or opening.
Viruses have been spread through the physics lists, although
this is uncommon and the event is quickly caught and announced
AFTER the fact. If a computer is connected to the Internet, it
REQUIRES anti-virus software.
...much more of this sort of thing on the PHYS-L homepage...
Dan MacIsaac
Dan MacIsaac, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Northern AZ Univ
danmac@nau.edu http://purcell.phy.nau.edu PHYS-L list owner