This is a question that I have asked my teachers (I'm only in 10th grade),
and of course they couldn't' answer it. I hope you can help me out, and I
hope it isn't centered to much toward theoretical science for this list:
In general relativity, it describes the "bending" of space-time. I
understand that concept, but then I read about "theories" about multiple
dimensions. It seems to me that space and time would have to bend into
something, which would make it more or less as a fact as general relativity
that there are at least 4 spacial dimensions. Like the example with the
surface of a beach ball, which is for all purposes in this post 2d, bends
into the 3rd spatial dimension.
Am I wrong, and I'm missing something, or am I right, and I just never
realized the correlation in the theories? Please help!!