| I am replying to you not because I can help, only to tell
| you that you are not alone in straggling with such issues.
| Sometimes it may be wise to postpone learning advanced
| topics till more accessible ones are well under control.
| Many physics topics have advanced prerequisites which
| some of us may not be able to satisfy immediately. I will
| also be waiting for somebody's help, if it is possible at
| your level.
I know I dont' understand it fully, but my question was just if the extra
dimensions were implied in general relativity, but science doesn't accept
them because it seems more like pseudo-science than actual provable facts.
I am aware of M-theory, which is a combination of string theory and 11-D
super gravity... it is very controversial in itself, and the outcome is
still murky, but that was the reason I was wondering. If general relativity
proved that M-theory really had some merit.... The answer might be beyond
me, but I would think even if I didn't' understand the reason, I would at
least have a "yes" or "no" answer, or even "it is still unresolved" answer.
My only concern is that I don't really understand the math yet, but I can
understand and visualize the concepts involved without too much difficulty.