Hi all,
For those interested, the program for the APS Centintal Meeting
(joint meeting with AAPT) in Atlanta has been finalized. For those
going, you can check out the program. I will only be there on Wednesday
afternnon (when I am giving my talk because I am taking my wife and son
to the zoo in the morning), but there will many interesting topics and
talks. All living Nobel Prize winners will be presenting talks but not
necessarily on their winning topic. I know Hans Bethe will talk about
the Mahattan Project. I hope that many people as possible are going
because it will be great time for physics people. Hope to meet people
from the list there.
There have been some changes in session ordering and program
organization over the past several weeks which may have affected
your placement. While we have tried to avoid overlap and conflicts,
in a few instances this has been unavoidable. The current version
(Last Update: February 22, 1999) represents the FINAL program as it
will be presented in Atlanta; no further program changes can be made.