Here I am again, with some fabulous packages of books at give-away prices!
Well, actually, some of these don't fit neatly into subject packages, so
I've listed some individually at the bottom. Note carefully the editions
and publication dates, for some of these are older books, some are
classics which have continuing value, and all are books somebody out there
desperately wants to complete a library. :-) And I desperately want to
clear my library shelves now that I've retired from teaching.
If you read carefully you'll see a few hard-to-find and out-of-print books
on this list. If some books in a package are duplicates of ones you have,
consider giving them to students, colleagues, or adding them to your
classroom library.
The prices are guestimated to cover finding, packing, shipping, postage
and the work of putting together this listing.
The first person who notifies me PRIVATELY by e-mail that they want a
particular lot or package, gets it. I'll post a brief message here when
the sale is over. Remember, do NOT respond to the discussion group, that
annoys people.
This very well may be the last group of books to go out.
-- Donald
Donald E. Simanek |
309 Mackey Ave - Castanea | Phone: 570-748-7213
Lock Haven, PA 17745-4003. |
Lot 15. Astronomy. $50.
Protheroe, W. M., Capriotti, Newsom. Exploring the Universe, 4th edition.
Merill, 1979. With Instructor's manual by Stephen J. Shawl.
van de Kamp, Peter. Elements of Astromechanics. Freeman, 1964.
Meadows, A. J. Stellar Evolution, 2nd edition. Pergamon, 1978. Used
Jeans, Sir James. The Mysterious Universe. Macmillan, 1932.
International Business Machines Corporation. Suddenly Tomorrow Came.
10x10" 36 p. Illustrated history of planetary exploration from Galileo
through the moon landings. Nice historic pictures. Probably accompanied a
museum exhibit.
Miller, Ron & William K. Hartmann. The Grand Tour, A Traveler's Guide to
the Solar System. Workman, 1981. Coffee-table paperback, with really nice
color pictures of planets and their moons. Pristine; no coffee stains.
Engelbrektson, Sune. Astronomy Through Space and Time. Brown, 1994.
Abell, George O., David Morrison, Sidney C. Wolff. Saungers, 1987.
Dixon, Robert T. Dynamic Astronomy, Sixth Edition. Prentice-Hall, 1992.
With test item file in separate volume.
Parker, Barry R. Concepts of the Cosmos, An Introduction to Astronomy.
Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1984.
Abell George, Exploration of the Universe. Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Zelik, Michael. Astronomy, The Evolving Universe. 5th edition. Wiley,
AAPT Committee on Apparatus for Educational Institutions. Novel
Experiments in Physics, Vol 1 and Vol 2. 1964, 1975. A selection of
laboratory notes used in colleges and universities. A classic.
Toralballa, Leopoldo V. Calculus With Analytic Geometry and Linear
Algebra. Academic Press, 1967.
Apostol, Tom M. Calculus, 2nd edition (2 volumes). Ginn, Blaisdell, 1967.
Rodin, Burton. Calculus With Analytic Geometry. Prentice-Hall, 1970.
Weinberger, H. F. A First Course in Partial Differential Equations.
Xerox College Publishing, 1965.
Humi, Mayer and William B. Miller. Boundary Value Problems and Partial
Differential Equations. PWS-Kent, 1992.
Wyld, H. W. Mathematical Methods for Physics. Benjamin, 1976.
Klerer, Melvin and Fred Grossman. A New Table of Indefinite Integrals,
Computer Processed. Dover, 1971. Did you know that when this book was
compiled, 18 of the 398 integrals in the CRC Math Tables were found to
be wrong?
Marion, Jerry B. and Stephen T. Thornton. Classical Dynamics of Particles
and Systems. 3rd ed. Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1988. Included: Student
Solutions Manual and Instructor's Solutions Manual.
Davis, A. Douglas. Classical Mechanics. Academic Press, 1986.
HARD TO CLASSIFY, so they can be had individually, for the price in
parentheses, which includes postage, shipping and handling.
Eastman, Phil. A Decade of SIN (Plus Eight). University of Waterloo, 1987.
Compilation of problems from the Sir Isaac Newton (SIN) Exam for Canadian
high school students. Good performance could earn students a scholarship
to U. Waterloo. ($10)
Miller, Franklin. College Physics, 4th ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1977. One of the best non-calculus intro physics books, IMO. ($10)
Weidner, Richard T. and Robert L. Sells. Elementary Classical Physics,
2 vols. Allyn and Bacon, 1973.
Gregory, R. L. Eye and Brain, the Psychology of Seeing. Mc-Graw-Hill World
University Library, 1966. ($8)
Brown, Thomas Benjamin, ed. The Lloyd William Taylor Manual of Advanced
Undergraduate Experiments in Physics. Addison-Wesley, 1959. ($10)
Shamos, Morris. H. Great Experiments in Physics, Firsthand Accounts from
Galileo To Einstein. Shamos, 1959; Dover, 1987. ($8)
Zachariasen. Theory of X-Ray Diffraction in Crystals. 1945, Dover 1967.
Parke, Nathan Grier III. Guide to the Literature of Mathematics and
Including Related Works on Engineering Science. Second revised edition.
1958. ($8)
Brewster, Sir. David. The Stereoscope, Its History, Theory, and
1858. Facsimile Edition. Morgan & Morgan, 1971. Hardback with dust cover.
A classic of interest to 3-D photographers. ($15)
Dewey, Fred. M. Understanding Chemistry, an Introduction. West, 1994.
Bergmann, Peter G. The Riddle of Gravitation, From Newton to Einstein to
Today's Exciting Theories. Scribner's, 1968. Paperback ($8)
Pierce, J. R. Symbols, Signals and Noise, the Nature and Process of
Communication. Harper, 1961. ($7)
Morrison, Philip and Emily Morrison, ed. Charles Babbage and his
Engines, Selected Writings by Charles Babbage and Others. Dover, 1961.
Paperback. ($8)
Darwin, Charles. Autobiography of Charles Darwin. Watts and Company
Thinker's Library, 1949. (Free on first request with order for other