Colin Taylor in 2/12/99 posts to both Phys-L and PhysLrnR wrote:
"I am really interested in doing pre and post tests to gauge the entry level of conceptual understanding (and the exit level on course completion). It would be great if there was some sort of 'industry standard' so comparisons could be made with students from different backgrounds at other institutions/cities/countries. Does anyone know of such a test?"
Although respondents on both the Phys-L and PhysLrnR lists have answered Colin's question, it may be useful to note for the record that there is an excellent listing of evaluation instruments and their sources at the AAPT web site <>. Click on the sign "PSRC" to bring up the "Physical Science Resource Center" at <>. Then click on "Evaluation Instruments." Among these are several "Conceptual Learning Assessments."
Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University
24245 Hatters Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91367