Thanks again to all who helped me reduce the size of my library by taking
books and journals off my hands, which I'll no longer need in retirement.
But the job is still not finished.
Lots 1 through 5, previously posted here, are all taken and
shipped out. I was surprised that I was not "stuck" with some of
them. But that may change with this offering, which will likely be
the last I post here. These newly created lots are for more
esoteric tastes. Note the dates; most of these are decades old.
I don't want the nuisance of dealing in small shipments,
so I'm offering these in package lots. They will go to the
first person who e-mails me privately, willing to pay the
amount indicated. All prices include shipping and handling.
>>>>>>>>> Private replies only. <<<<<<<<<
Requests will not be considered unless a complete postal
address is included, including street address (in case I ship
Lot No. 6. Astronomy package. Some of these go way back. Five
books, $15.
Proctor, Richard A. Other Worlds Than Ours, The Plurality Of Worlds
Studied Under The Light Of Recent Scientific Researches. Appleton,
Herschel, Sir. John. Outlines of Astronomy. P. F. Collier and
Son, 1911.
Mitchell, S. A. and C. G. Abbot. The Fundamentals of Astronomy. D.
Van Nostrand, 1927
Long, Charles E. Discovering The Universe. Harper & Row, 1980.
Paperbound textbook, used. This is one of the more original
astronomy texts, very readable, with do-at-home experiments.
Lot No. 7. Early engineering package--how it was a century ago.
Four books, $15.
Gordon, J. E. H. A Practical Treatise On Electrical Lighting.
Appleton, 1884
International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, PA. A Textbook
on Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. International Textbook
Company, 1899. 2 volumes, partial leather binding.
French, Thomas E. A Manual of Engineering Drawing for Students
and Draftsmen. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, 1929.
Lot No. 8. Advanced Acoustics library, mostly related to
acoustical holography at an advanced undergraduate to graduate
level. Some good stuff here. 9 books, $40.
Beranek, Leo L. Acoustics. McGraw-Hill, 1954.
Skudrzyk, Eugen. Simple and Complex Vibratory Systems. Penn
State U. Press, 1968.
Lamb, Horace. The Dynamical Theory of Sound. Second edition.
Dover 1960. Paperback.
Supplementary Bibliography (CH. 19) by A. F. Metherell on
acoustical holography. Pamphlet, 1969.
Hatter, D. J. Matrix Computer Methods of Vibration Analysis.
Halsted Press, 1973.
Hildebrand, B. P. and B. B. Brenden. An Introduction to
Acoustical Holography. Plenum, 1974. Paperback.
Wallace, R. H. Understanding and Measuring Vibrations. Wyckeham,
1970. Paperback.
Scientific American, October 1969. Special issue on Acoustical
Miscellaneous reprints of journal articles on acoustical
Lot No. 9. Optics and holography. Eleven books for $35.
Robers, G. L. Handbook of Gas Laser Experiments. London, ILEFFE
Books, Ltd., 1970.
Lengyel, Bela A. Lasers, Generation of Light by Stimulated
Emission. Wiley, 1962.
Singer, J. R. Masers. Wiley, 1959.
Troup, Gordon. Masers. Metheuen & Co. 1959.
Waldron, R. A. The Theory of Waveguides and Cavities. London,
Maclaren, 1967.
Ditchburn, R. W. Light, 3rd. Ed. Academic Press, 1976. A classic.
Born and Wolf. Principles of Optics, 2nd revised edition.
Pergamon Press, 1964. Huge book. A classic.
Michelson, Dorothy Livingston. The Master of Light, A Biography
of Albert A. Michelson. Scribners, 1973. Historic photos. The
author is Michelson's daughter.
Zimmer, H. G. Geometrical Optics. Springer-Verlag, 1970.
Tolansky, S. An Introduction to Interferometry, 2nd ed. Halsted
Press, 1973.
Twyman, F. Prism and Lens Making. Adam Hilger, Ltd. 1942.
Lot No. 9. Fifties nostalgia package. A blast from the past.
Relive what it was like to take undergraduate physics in the 1950s.
Nostalgia ain't what it used to be. Eleven items, $25.
Eldridge, John A. College Physics, 2nd ed. 1940.
Supplement: mimeographed chapter "The New Physics".
Oldenberg, Otto. Introduction to Atomic Physics. McGraw-Hill, 1954.
Osgood, William Fogg. Mechanics. Macmillan, 1946.
Stout, Melville B. Basic Electrical Measurements. Prentice-Hall,
1950. Learn about ballistic galvanometers, AC bridges, standard
cells, shielding and guarding of circuits. Many apparatus photos.
Heyl, Paul R. Electronics, Electron Optics. Reprint of lecture
of June 7, 1943. P. R. Mallory & Co
Winsor, Frederick, Illustrations by Marian Parry. The Space-
Child's Mother Goose. Simon and Schuster, 1958. Whimsical
science-related verses and illustrations, with a glossary.
Chemical Rubber Company. CRC Math Tables. 12th edition, 1963.
Artificial Earth Satellites. V. 9 & 10, July 1962. Translated from
Russian by the Consultant's Bureau. Has early maps of the craters
on the backside of the moon! Compare with more recent maps.
Heathkit Kit Builders Guide. Remember them?
Bonus: You wouldn't think of doing the problems in 50's
textbooks with anything more modern than this:
Pickett Model N4-T Vector-Type log log dual base speed slide
rule. In rigid brown leather case with belt-strap. Three Pickett
instruction manuals, and a K&E manual thrown into the deal.
Bonus! Six Inch Picket Model N1006-T Trig Rule. Leather case. This
is for physics majors who could carry it hidden in a pocket so they
wouldn't be mistaken for engineering majors. Besides, who really
needs all the precision of the longer rules?
And I'll even throw in a Post Wooden slide rule #1447. Light
leather case. The $2 rule for students who didn't plan to go beyond
the introductory course in physics.
Lot No. 10. Vacuum Tube Electronics Era. I can't imagine many (or
any) who would want this bunch, except maybe someone who has a
technology museum, or repairs old electronic equipment. So I've
priced these to move: more than a dozen items for only $20.
Millman and Seely. Electronics. McGraw-Hill, 1951.
Evans, W. H. Experiments in Electronics. Prentice-Hall, 1959.
Guy, Jordan, Nelson, Pumphrey, Rider. Fundamentals of Electronics,
2nd ed. Prentice-Hall, 1958. Good overview of the applied
electronic technology, including radio, of the late 50s.
Ryder, John D. Electronic Fundamentals and Applications, 3rd ed.
Prentice-Hall, 1964.
Brazee, James G. Semiconductor and Tube Electronics. Holt, 1968.
Zherebtsov. Electronics. MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1970. Translated
from the Russian.
Winch, Ralph P. Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall,
And I'll throw in the 1974 Radio Amateurs' Handbook, a 1962 RCA
Tube Manual (well-used) and a bunch of project books, device
manuals, and miscellaneous pamphlets.
Lot No. 11. Classical Electricity and Magnetism. Some real classics
in this batch, with material that doesn't become obsolete. Seven
for $25.
Marion, Jerry. Electricity and Magnetism. Academic Press, 1965.
Panofsky and Phillips. Classical Electricity and Magnetism.
Addison-Wesley, 1955.
Peck, Edson Ruther. Electricity and Magnetism, McGraw-Hill, 1953.
Sears, Francis Weston. Electricity and Magnetism (with answer
booklet). Addison-Wesley, 1951.
Harnwell, Gaylord. Principles of Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd ed.
McGraw-Hill, 1949.
Loeb, Leonard B. Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd.
ed. Wiley 1947.
Kip, Arthur F. Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism, 2nd ed.
McGraw-Hill, 1969.
Purcell, Edward M. Electricity and Magnetism. Berkeley Physics
Course, Volume 2. 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill, 1985. One of the most
insightful books on this subject.