Phys-L List Archive (by Date) of July, 2024
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[Phys-L] Help shape PhET’s Quantum efforts!
07/01/2024 13:25, Kathy Perkins
[Phys-L] moist air density; was: The Atlantic's Weekly Planet
07/03/2024 12:47, John Denker
[Phys-L] University Machine Shop Manager Position in Providence, RI
07/09/2024 12:32, Zani, Gerald
[Phys-L] "... cover page in the book 'An Introduction to Error Analysis by John Taylor'."
07/13/2024 21:22, bernard cleyet
[Phys-L] Absorption and Scattering of IR By CO2 Gas
07/30/2024 10:55, Zani, Gerald
Re: [Phys-L] Absorption and Scattering of IR By CO2 Gas
07/30/2024 11:48, Timothy Folkerts
Re: [Phys-L] Absorption and Scattering of IR By CO2 Gas
07/30/2024 22:14, bernard cleyet
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