Re: [Phys-L] Absorption and Scattering of IR By CO2 Gas
> On 2024/Jul/30, at 17:48, Timothy Folkerts via Phys-l
> <> wrote:
> I can think of two important issues off-hand with re-creating a demo like
> this.
> And since most cameras would be designed to see THROUGH the atmosphere,
> they are probably designed to operate AWAY from the bands that CO2 and H2O
> absorb.
> Tim
What a pain!
If the above is not the case then, perhaps — remember, I have the Biden
Syndrome and am 7 years older — one may make use of the greater density of
CO2 by using a vertical column. The IR source at the bottom and the camera
above. Perhaps there are band pass filters for only absorption region(s).
bc … exhibiting his BS by choosing to vac. in Paris on the hottest day(s) of
the year, he thinks. [1] He can’t wait to get to London, a little cooler.
p.s. I have this idea from the column at the Exploratorium, for which purpose
I’ve forgotten (BS again). It had ”dry ice” at the bottom.
I once tried to float an Al foil ”boat” on butane.
BTW I advertise for a Chinese company’s hand held, yes!, MCA. with a CsI xtal
It also has a PIN diode for alpha, Beta. The contrast with my Canberra 35
boat anchor is amazing.
[1] 35 C. A heat wave (misnamed) in Salinas (CA) is 23 C.