Thank you for helping me get this straightened out.
If a person were shot vertically out of a gun and at the moment of zero
vertical velocity, he/she reached above their head and grasped a
conveniently placed trapezes bar, their arms would quite suddenly
experience a force equivalent to his/her weight. If their body and the
trapezes support were rigid, the appearance of the force would be a very
fast step function.
It would seem that if a car were propelled vertically in the same manner
and at the moment of zero vertical velocity, a solid structure suddenly
appeared from another dimension and restrained the car from moving
downward, the driver would experience quiet a change in those areas that
would now be supporting his/her full weight, as would the, now not
dangling, wheels, etc.
So now all I have to do is dilute some gravitational acceleration to the
equivalent of that which was used in the sloping road problem, pre-bias
every mass with an appropriate, constant, downward force, repeat the
same auto experiment as the one above and garner the results that you
good folks have been referring to.
When I tried this experiment on a gently sloping road, my interest in
jamming the brakes on within a microsecond or two of zero velocity
required so much activity on my part, that I missed the event that I was
looking for. I will take a physics friend with me on the next slope, so
as to get an unfettered report.
Thanks again! If I have it correct this time, I will sleep better