Forwarded message:
From Barbara.Brunsing@NAU.EDU Tue Oct 26 13:47 MST 1999
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 13:48:05 -0700
From: "John S. Garrett" <jgarrett@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
(by way of Barbara Brunsing)
Subject: Introduction and Request for Assistance
To: barry.lutz@NAU.EDU, kathy.eastwood@NAU.EDU, dan.macisaac@NAU.EDU,
rebecca.bogert@NAU.EDU, gloria.lindner@NAU.EDU, jackie.menasco@NAU.EDU,
mindy.bell@NAU.EDU, henry.hooper@NAU.EDU
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You don't know me but I am helping Dr. David Sokoloff at the
University of Oregon
with recruitment of Physics/Physical Science Teachers for an NSF sponsored
Activity Based Physics Institute (Meeting Science Education Standards by
Implementing Active Learning in Physics and Physical Science). The
workshop will be held over the next two summers at the U of O as well as at
Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA. We are anxious to attract high school
teachers of physics and/or physical science and school administrators who
will especially benefit from this program, and those who might not
ordinarily apply. This especially includes teachers from schools with
significant underrepresented populations and in economically impacted
I am hoping that you have some suggestions for me on how to publicize
the institutes to appropriate teachers in Arizona. I would be happy to do
an e-mailing to physics and/or physical science teachers if I had e-mail
In Oregon we have a network of Educational Service Districts that have
helped us get information out to local schools. I don't know if there is
any equivalent type of organization in Arizona but would appreciate any
information that you can give me on potential ways of disseminating the
Thanks for any help you can give.
John Garrett
John S. Garrett
West Coast Site Recruitment Coordinator and Instructor
Activity Based Physics Institutes
Department of Physics
1274 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1274