[In Congress, everything happens at once, it seems. As you know, Vernon
Ehlers is a physicist. Michael Lach is a high school physics teacher and a
PTRA. Read below. - Jane Jackson]
Weds, 3:30 p.m.:Members of the House of Representatives are now debating
H.R. 2, The Student Results Act (Title I). Later today, Rep. Tom Petri
(R-WI) and Rep. Vern Ehlers (R-MI) will be offering an amendment that would
require states to add Science to Title I's standards and testing
requirements for math and reading. Rep. Holt (D-NJ) is also supportive of
this amendment and will be seeking Democratic support for the amendment.
We are asking science teachers to please call the U.S. Capitol operator at
202-224-3121; ask to be connected to your Representative, then ask your
Representative to support the Petri/Ehlers amendment when it is introduced
later today during debate on H.R. 2.
This is the text of Rep. Ehlers' "Dear Colleague" letter that went to all
members of the House. Please call and ask your Representative to support
the Petri/Ehlers amendment.
Make Science Education A Priority!
Dear Colleague:
I am offering an amendment to H.R. 2, in conjunction with Mr. Petri, to make
science education a priority. This amendment would require states to add
science to Title I's standards and testing requirements for math and
Over half of our current economic growth can be attributed to investments in
scientific research. Our nation's future economic strength is directly
linked to the science aptitude of our workforce. For these reasons, science
education must be a national priority. Science education must start early
and be rigorous so as to effectively prepare students for the demands of
tomorrow's jobs.
Currently, most schools are not held accountable for science achievement.
Placing science alongside reading and mathematics in Title I will make it a
priority in our children's education and help secure the future economic
well-being of our country.
I urge you to support the Petri/Ehlers amendment. For more information, or
if you wish to speak in favor of this amendment, please contact Michael Lach
in my office at 5-3831.
Vernon J. Ehlers
Member of Congress
Jane Jackson, Dir., Modeling Workshop Project
Box 871504, Dept.of Physics, ASU, Tempe, AZ 85287
480-965-8438/fax:965-7331. http://modeling.la.asu.edu
Genius must transform the world, that the world may produce more genius.