supplements to theory of reletivity
This (Email) letter is addressed and sent to all who have an attitude to
the physics-universities,institutes,laboratories,periodicals and others.
It contains (describes) experiments and proves the existence of a basic
inertia system and supplements to the theory of relativity. The letter
itself consists of (Lozko.Txt) and (Lozko.bmp) files.They are registered
by WIN.ZIP and attached to the body.The Lozko.bmp file contains plans and
the Lozko.TXT is a text,explaining the experiments,and it is in Bulgarian
English and Russian.
Lozko Georgiev Georgiev
Daniel Lozkov Georgiev
25 spartak str
6450 Harmanli
tel.(359) 373 48-70
Email -
Get Your Private, Free Email at
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