String Theorist Brian Green Featured on ABC Nightline in Prime Time
The program is part of a series on ABC News called "Nightline in Prime
Time: Brave New World." Ted Koppel anchors the series, and Robert Krulwich
is the correspondent.
(Airing on THURSDAY, September 16, 10:00-11:00 p.m., ET on ABC)
Atoms are small, but quarks are smaller. And now, even smaller than quarks,
a new notion of what everything in the universe is made of: Dancing,
vibrating, pulsating "strings." A musical tribute to
the New Physics, featuring Robert Krulwich's conversation with Professor
Brian Greene, author of "The Elegant Universe." Also featured: The Emerson
String Quartet perform Beethoven and Bach to bring the musical metaphors of
String Theory alive; They Might Be Giants explore particle physics;
Video artists Josh and Adam on everything you ever wanted to know about
general relativity and quantum mechanics.
For more information, please visit the ABC website: