I agree with Leigh Palmer, who notes that he doesn't write letters for
students who would get a poor recommendation from him - a tactic I learned
from one of my undergraduate professors, who suggested that someone else
could more likely write a strong positive recommendation on my behalf. I
also have the luxury of teaching only small classes, so I don't have the
problem of picking one name and face from a crowd.
Another item to note here, which is a combination of ethics and legalism.
If you are the author of the letter, it remains your property, even if
mailed. If it is not used for its intended purpose, you have every right to
demand its return. When a student seeks a letter from me, intended for one
of the institutions which want all the stuff in one envelope rather than
under separate cover, I inform the student that if they decide not to follow
up on the application, I expect the sealed and signed envelope back.
"Vocatus atque non vocatus - Deus aderit."
- Karl Jung
George Spagna
Department of Physics
Randolph-Macon College
P.O. Box 5005
Ashland, VA 23005-5505
phone: (804) 752-7344 FAX (804) 752-4724
e-mail: gspagna@rmc.edu http://www.rmc.edu/~gspagna/