I just came across a web site <http://www.entropysystems.com> for a
company that proports to sell engines that operate as perpetual motion
machines of the second kind. They call them entropy engines and they
supposedly operate on the "Amin cycle" named for one, Sanjay Amin, who is
one of the principal shareholders of this new company and presumably the
"brains" behind this venture. Supposedly the engines are powered by
the heat, er, thermal energy in the ambient air and discharge colder
air as exhaust.
I can hardly wait for them to get registered with the SEC so they can
have their IPO. It would be a real shame to miss out on the opportunity
to get in on the ground floor of such a potential gold mine. ;-)
Bill Beaty, have you heard about this outfit? If not, I think it is a
live one for your files.