For the profs, I would suggest the standard journals such as the
Physicsal Review Series (A-E skipping any volumes that you don't have
researchers in to save $$) and Physical Review Letters. There are the
European Standard Journals such as the Physics Letters A&B and the
European Physical Journal A-D?? (used to be Zeitschrift fur Physik and
some French journal). There are other great field specific journals
that AIP (http://ojps.aip.org/), Springer-Verlag, IOP (Institute of
Physics), and Elsevier put out just to name some publishers that I am
found of. For books, also look at World Scientific.
I would suggest to looking into institution online subscription
prices. Most of these cost less and then a link can be put on the
library's homepage for any literature searches. It also helps the
convenience factor. Hope that helps.
Sam Held
-----Original Message-----
From: James W. Wheeler [mailto:jwheeler@EAGLE.LHUP.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 3:06 PM
Subject: References
A librarian asked me today what references the library should add to our
collection in the "hard" sciences. What do you folks think?
(apologies to those of you who get this message via several routes)