I asked Norman Ramsey, who has made many measurements looking for the
permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron about neutron
polarization. Here is his answer:
Dear Paul:
All I know about the electric polarizability of the neutron is
contained in a talk I had to give on "Particle Properties of the
Neutron" at Cambridge, England, in a meeting celebrating the 50th
anniversary of the discovery of the neutron. My talk is in Inst.
Phys. Conf. Series 64, Sect 2, 5 (1983).
I there state "So far there have been no accurate measurements of
either the electric or magnetic polarizability of the neutron."
Contradictory experimental values have been measured by Aleksandrov
[JETP Lett 4, 134 (1966) and Anikin [Sov. Journ. of Nucl. Phys.
14,152 (1972). There may be a more recent and better measurement
from Grenoble. If I hear of one, I'll let you know.
Sincerely, Norman
Paul Zitzewitz, Professor of Physics
Department of Natural Sciences
University of Michigan-Dearborn
4901 Evergreen Rd
Dearborn, MI 48128
(313) 593-5158 FAX (313) 593-4937