Here are some references for the discussion about energy transfer in DC
Sommerfeld, Arnold (1952)
Electrodynamics: Lectures on Theoretical Physics, Vol III. New York:
Academic Press.
See section 17, "Detailed treatment of the field of a straight wire and a
coil". pp 125 - 133.
(I don't think anyone could justly accuse Sommerfeld of writing "mythology
and mythological language and hand waving" as Jim Green puts it.)
Another text which has relevant material is:
Jefimenko, Oleg D. (1966)
Electricity and magnetism; an introduction to the theory of electric and
magnetic fields.
New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
See Ch 9 on "Stationary electric field in conducting media", pp 276 - 319
and section 15-4, Poynting's vector, pp 508 -511.
Journal articles on the topic include the following.
Jackson, J. D. (1996)
Surface charges on circuit wires and resistors play three roles.
American Journal of Physics, vol 64 (7), July, pages 855-870.
Jackson's calculations show electric field configurations and Poynting vectors.
Coombes, C. A. & Laue, H. (1981)
Electric fields and charge distributions associated with steady currents.
American Journal of Physics, vol 49 (5), May, pages 450-451.
Morton, N. (1979)
An introduction to the Poynting vector.
Physics Education, vol 14 (5), July, pages 301- 304.
Pugh, Emerson M. (1971)
Poynting vectors and steady currents.
American Journal of Physics, vol 39 (7), July, pages 837-838.
Ian Sefton
Honorary Senior Lecturer
School of Physics, A28
The University of Sydney, NSW 2006