This is my first year I have used the CBL's. I have used them for just
a few experiments. I had success with them when I had the students
using them as data gatherers. We used the CBR's and instead of just
using the calculators to show the distance time graphs I had them
predict what the graphs would look like before they did the actual
experiment. Then I had them use cart to produce a constant velocity
graph, a graph showing acceleration and deceleration, and then just let
them be creative. They would allow the calculators to show the graph
and then they judged if that was the correct graph for what they were
wanting to show. Then they reproduced the graph on newsprint with
markers and presented their graphs to the class. The best were the
creative ones because we got into discussions on how the graphs were
The only problem I ran into was my assumption that since graphing
calculators had become so prevalent I wouldn't need to go into how to
operate them. I was wrong. I had to spend one day just getting them
familiar with how to use the calculator, the software and the ranger's
Pete Joenks
Springdale High School
Springdale, Arkansas