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Re: [Phys-L] pendulum in free fall

Thanks Tom,

Yes see Carl's correction for the obvious error on my part.

In fact this question grew out of your related case comment. When cutting the cable at the end of swing, both the elevator observers and the ground observers see respectively a bob at rest or a bob falling in lockstep with the rest of the elevator cab.

Stefan Jeglinski

On 1/6/25 8:21 AM, Tom Van Baak wrote:

A pendulum in zero-g is more like an orbit, a free hand of a clock, a Ferris wheel. SHM no longer applies.

So if g vanishes instantly the Ferris wheel has rotational speed equal to the lateral speed V of the pendulum at that instant. The new period is simply C/V where C is the circumference of the circle (2 pi L).

There is no difference in behavior depending on the observer.

A related interesting case is if the cable is cut, not at the instant the pendulum reaches mid-swing, but at end of swing. In that case the string, the bob, and the elevator all drop as if freeze-frame.


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