Owing to a much-delayed approval for a tenure-track search to replace
Shirley Stekel in our department, I am forwarding the following job notice
to phys-l.
Paul Rybski, Physics, Univ. of WI-Whitewater
******Tenure-track Faculty Position in Physics Education******
The University of Wisconsin - Whitewater announces a tenure-track,
full-time faculty appointment in Physics Education beginning August
27, 2000.
The successful candidate must have a doctorate in Physics or Physics
Education and have a demonstrated potential for excellence in
teaching and undergraduate research.
This position is a tenure-track, full-time teaching assignment that
also requires productive research and service activity. Candidates
must be able to teach an inquiry-based physics course designed for
prospective elementary and middle school teachers. Teaching
responsibilities include setup, maintenance and construction of
equipment. Involvement of UWW undergraduates in research and
acquisition of extramural support for research are necessary.
Credentials must include a letter of application, vita, a list of
publications, and all relevant professional experience (including
teaching, postdoctoral, industrial, etc.), all undergraduate and
graduate transcripts (photocopies are acceptable for the initial
application), and letters or email statements from at least three (3)
references. Telephone numbers or email addresses should be included
to permit us to contact the people acting as references. Unless
confidentiality is requested in writing, lists of applicants must be
released upon request.
To ensure consideration all materials must be received by February 1,
2000. Send application to: Ken Menningen, Search Committee Chair,
Physics Department, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Whitewater,
WI 53190-1790 Email: menningk@uww.edu. More information can be
found at our website, http://academics.uww.edu/physics/index.htm