.....we generally give credit for one semester of general
physics for a student who does well on these exams, but we
are not sure that we are always doing him of her a favor.
Although my evidence is fragmentary, I believe that
students who skip the first half of general physics and
then take the second half frequently do not do very well.
I don't know exactly what is going on, but I suspect that
Ed is getting pretty close.....
Barlow Newbolt
Department of Physics and Engineering
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
Young man if I could remember the names of all of
these particles I would have become a botanist
Enrico Fermi
Telephone and Phone Mail: 540-463-8881
Fax: 540-463-8884
e-mail: NewboltW@madison.acad.wlu.edu