I think this discussion has drifted from the central
idea of the article and the research in question.
There doesn't seem to be any attempt by the people
working at MIT to prove or disprove the existence of
God. The title of the article states, "As Robots
Become Smarter and Self-aware, Scientists, Theologians
Consider Their Humanity." Notice that the quality
under examination is humanity, not origin. I read the
article as an investigation of ethics from both a
theological and scientific point of view. The
relevant questions seem to be things like:
What constitutes a soul?
Do intelligent, self-aware robots have rights?
Are we in any way morally bound to provide for
sentient beings of our own creation?
I don't have answers, but it seems like some very
intelligent people are working on it. I'm no theist,
but it's a little disheartening that any line of
intellectual inquiry is scoffed at so easily by
physicists. It's particualarly upsetting that this
example receives scorn. I was pleased for just a
brief instant to hear of science and religion working
in some form of cooperation. The religious side in
this issue seems well represented and in an out of
character move is actually conducting some real world
investigation in its search for truth. Kudos to them.
Physics hasn't answered any ethical questions yet (at
least not to my satisfaction) and I applaud those who
make the attempt.
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