This forward from Sheila Tobias may be of interest.
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 03:54:44 -0400
From: Sheila Tobias <>
Subject: Professional MS Degrees in Science
To: Richard Hake <>
Date: October 21, 1999
With funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, five major research universities (Georgia Institute of Technology), Univ. of Southern California, University of Arizona, Michigan State Univ., and the Univ. of Wisconsin) are developing new professional (as against research) MS degrees in various fields and combinations of fields in science, mathematics, business, and engineering. Science fields include chemistry, biology, and physics. In addition, such programs are available or being developed at about 25 other universities in the United States. This is all part of a burgeoning effort to supply the work force with "science-trained professionals" who are seeking a non-research-Ph.D. career in some ways connected to their science. The idea was foreshadowed in my 1995 book with Daryl Chubin and Kevin Aylesworth, "Rethinking Science as a Career." (1)
For further information about all the above programs, surf the new website
<> and/or see refs. 1-5.
Above all, send us students. Most of the Sloan programs will be enrolling students for the first of their two-year degree programs beginning in 2000.
1. S. Tobias, D. Chubin, and K. Aylesworth, "Rethinking Science as a Career" (Research Corporation, 1995), esp. Chap. 6 "Reinventing the Master's Degree and Revitalizing Undergraduate Programs." This book is available at $2.50 per copy from Research Corporation, Book Division, 101 North Wilmot Road, Tucson AZ 85711; FAX 520-571-1119. The Research Corporation's homepage is at <>. Information on ordering other books by Sheila Tobias is at <> under "Inquiries".
2. M. Jensen, "Reinventing the Science Master's Degree, Science 284, 1610-1611 (1999)
3. J. Kumagai, "Professional Master's Degrees Promise Quicker Entry Into Industry Jobs," Phys. Today 52(6), 54-55 (1999).
4. Sheila Tobias, "Conceptualizing a New Degree," Remarks by Sheila Tobias at a gathering of educators, industrial, and government agency representatives, convened to discuss "Emerging Fields in Science"; on the web at <>.
5. Los Angeles Times, 24 October 1999, Special Education Supplement.