We'd all prefer to do physics most of the time, but occasionally we need to
educate our Congressmen. Here's a 3-minute job for you.
Jane Jackson
[Forwarded message. The NSTA says that this bill is bad because it
decreases professional development for high school physics teachers and
other science/math teachers. I urge you to e-mail (or call) your U.S.
Congressman ASAP and oppose H.R. 2300, also known as the Straight A's Act.
It takes only 3 minutes of your
time and maybe $.75. Sometimes Congress is slow, so call later than
today if you don't read this right away. - Jane]
As expected, the House Education and Workforce Committee passed the Academic
Achievement for All Act (H.R. 2300), also known as the Straight A's, along
party lines by a vote of 26 to 19. The bill is expected to go for a vote on
the House floor tomorrow, Wednesday, October 20.
The bill would give states the flexibility to determine how to spend funding
for federal programs (Eisenhower, Goals 2000, and Class Size Reduction).
States would enter into a five year performance agreement with the
Department of Education; funds could be used for any educational activity
permitted by state law if states meet specific student achievement goals. If
states decline to participate in the program, individual LEAs can apply.
NSTA opposes this bill because it decreases the likelihood of funding for
professional development for science teachers.
(However, we applaud the efforts of Congressman Vernon Ehlers (R-MI), who
continues to call attention to the importance of science education in this
legislation, as he has done in previous bills.)
Listed below are members of Congress who should be contacted to vote NO on
this legislation. If you live in these representatives' districts, please
take a minute to call or email them. If you are not sure who your
representative is, visit this website for that information: http://www.congress.org
Charles Bass (R-NH) (202) 225-5206 cbass@mail.house.gov
Doug Berueter (R-ME) (202) 225-4806 susan.olson@mail.house.gov
Brian Bilbray (R-CA) (202) 225-2040 brian.bilbray@mail.house.gov
Sherry Boehlert (R-NY) (202) 225-3665 rep.boehlert@mail.house.gov
Ken Calvert (R-CA) (202) 225-1986 dave.ramey@mail.house.gov
Dave Camp (R-MI) (202) 225-3561 davecamp@mail.house.gov
Tom Campbell (R-CA) (202) 225-2631 campbell@mail.house.gov
Michael Castle (R-DE-At Large) (202) 225-4165 delaware@mail.house.gov
Tom Davis (R-VA) (202) 225-1492 mike.hettinger@mail.house.gov
Vern Ehlers (R-MI) (202) 225-3831 rep.ehlers@mail.house.gov
Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO) (202) 225-4404 joann.emerson@mail.house.gov
Mark Foley (R-FL-06) (202) 225-5792 mark.foley@mail.house.gov
Tillie Fowler (R-FL) (202) 225-2501 david.gilliland@mail.house.gov
Bob Franks (R-NJ) (202) 225-5361 franksnj@mail.house.gov
Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) (202) 225-5034 donna.mullins@mail.house.gov
Wayne T. Gilchrest (R-MD) (202) 225-5311 anthony.calgiuri@mail.house.gov
Paul Gillmor (R-OH) (202) 225-6405 mark.wellman@mail.house.gov
Benjamin A. Gilman (R-NY) (202) 225-3776 robert.becker@mail.house.gov
Porter Goss (R-FL) (202) 225-2536 sheryl.wooley@mail.house.gov
Jim Greenwood (R-PA) (202) 225-4276 pawizard@mail.house.gov
Gil Gutknecht (R-MN) (202) 225-2472 gil.gutknecht@mail.house.gov
Dave Hobson (R-OH) (202) 225-4324 marybeth.carozza@mail.house.gov
Steve Horn (R-CA) (202) 225-6676 stephen.horn@mail.house.gov
Amo Houghton (R-NY) (202) 225-3161 amo.houghton@mail.house.gov
Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT) (202) 225-4476 njohnson@mail.house.gov
Sue Kelly (R-NY) (202) 225-5441 dearsue@hr.house.gov
Jim Kolbe (R-AZ) (202) 225-2542 jim.kolbe@mail.house.gov
Ray LaHood (R-IL) (202) 225-6201 diane.liesman@mail.house.gov
Steve LaTourette (R-OH) (202) 225-5731 deborah.winston@mail.house.gov
Rick A. Lazio (R-NY) (202) 225-3335 lazio@mail.house.gov
Jim Leach (R-IA) (202) 225-6576 talk2jim@mail.house.gov
Jerry Lewis (R-CA) (202) 225-5861 david.lesstrang@mail.house.gov
Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) (202) 225-6572 lobiondo@mail.house.gov
Jim McCrery (R-LA) (202) 225-2777 jim.mccrery@mail.house.gov
John M. McHugh (R-NY) (202) 225-4611 cary.brick@mail.house.gov
Constance A. Morella (R-MD) (202) 225-5341 rep.morella@mail.house.gov
George Nethercutt (R-WA) (202) 225-2006 edward.feddeman@mail.house.gov
Bob Ney (R-OH-18) (202) 225-6265 bobney@mail.house.gov
Thomas Petri (R-WI) (202) 225-2476 tompetri@mail.house.gov
John Porter (R-IL) (202) 225-4835 robert.bradner@mail.house.gov
Deborah Pryce (R-OH) (202) 225-2015 pryce15@mail.house.gov
Jack Quinn (R-NY) (202) 225-3306 marylou.palmer@mail.house.gov
George Radanovich (R-CA) (202) 225-4540 george.radanovich@mail.house.gov
Jim Ramstad (R-MN) (202) 225-2871 mn03@mail.house.gov
Ralph Regula (R-OH) (202) 225-3876 connie.veillette@mail.house.gov
Marge Roukema (R-NJ) (202) 225-4465 craig.shearman@mail.house.gov
Chris Shays (R-CT) (202) 225-5541 rep.shays@mail.house.gov
E. Clay Shaw, Jr (R-FL) (202) 225-3026 scott.spear@mail.house.gov
Fred Upton (R-MI) (202) 225-3761 talk2.fsu@mail.house.gov
Dave Weldon (R-PA) (202) 225-3671 fla15@mail.house.gov
Jim Walsh (R-NY) (202) 225-3701 rep.james.walsh@mail.house.gov
Jane Jackson, Dir., Modeling Workshop Project
Box 871504, Dept.of Physics, ASU, Tempe, AZ 85287
480-965-8438/fax:965-7331. http://modeling.la.asu.edu
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