I am passing this (message following my sig) along in case there is
anyone interested in polishing the ol' chain mail, sharpening the
broadsword, and doing battle with bizarre "believers". Even if you're
not inclined to become a media spokesperson, I think this is worth
reading if only for the very final sentence.
Larry Cartwright <exit60@ia4u.net>
Physics and Physical Science Teacher
Charlotte HS, Charlotte MI USA
For the Fox Family television series EXPLORING THE UNKNOWN we need more
experts to film on a variety of subjects. In general we have plenty of
believers and subjects that believers believe in, but we need more
skeptical experts (or even neutral experts). We need physicists,
astronomers, cosmologists, biologists, psychologists, sociologists,
folklorists, mythologists, anthropologists, etc. What we are looking for
are individuals who are academics, or scholars, or authors, or have some
institution affiliation or are recognized experts on particular
subjects. Media experience is not required, but it helps if you are able
to articulate your points about the subject in question in a succinct
manner. It is not necessary that this person be a priori skeptical. It
may be that some subjects we investigate will turn out to have some
validity and it is perfectly acceptable for our expert so say just
that. But in general we are finding it much easier to get believers than
scientists and skeptics and, obviously, we are striving for balance and,
where appropriate, a strong skeptical point of view (for a change).
We'll make the process as painless on you as possible, either coming to
you to film you in your office, or fly you to a film location.
If you are, or know someone who might be appropriate for our show,
please provide name, institution affiliation (if appropriate), address,
phone numbers, e-mail address, subject of expertise, and a brief one
paragraph bio.
Michael Shermer
For those of your not familiar with the Skeptics Society or have not
seen Skeptic magazine, see our web page: <http://www.skeptic.com>.
Copyright 1999 by Michael Shermer and the Skeptics Society. Copies of
this internet posting may be made and distributed in whole without
further permission. Credit: This has been another edition of SkepticMag
Hotline, the internet edition of Skeptic magazine and the cyberspace
voice of the Skeptics Society. For further information about the
magazine and society, contact P.O. Box 338, Altadena, CA 91001;
626/794-3119 (phone); 626/794-1301 (fax); <skepticmag@aol.com> and
<www.skeptic.com> or send your message telepathically and we will
respond in kind.