Thanks to all that responded to my request for info on contacting Alan Van Heuvelen and
Addison Wesley regarding the problems I was having getting ActivPhysics2 to run on our G3
It is amazing that we are no longer alone now that the internet can put us in contact with
colleagues that all the way around the globe. It sure is a far cry from the late 60's
when those of us teaching high school physics were really isolated from college and
university teachers and even from other high school teachers.
I received help within 24 hours of my first request from Addison Wesley. It seems that
the power book needs more memory to run later versions of Netscape or Explorer. Our PBs
have 32 megs of memory and that is not enough. We are now running netscape 3.0 and we can
run the AP2 by launching the browser and then running AP2.
I think that the folks at the MI section meeting yesterday would agree that AP2 is well
worth the investment.