I Have to admit that my writing was not carefull enough. Of cause,
for the ratio of sinuses in an anysotropic crystal, the expression
Snell's law is a misuse.
For the reference is Born... but there is also another book, which
is written for technologists and has the two expressions for the angle
dependence of the refraction index for the uniaxial crystal with
optical axes perpendicular and parallel to the surface written
explicitely. Unfortunately I have to go to the library to find the
correct reference. Si in a few days.
Last year I had a student, who finished her diplome thesis from the topic
anysotropy in liquid crystals. She prepared an experiment which alow to
measure ordinary and extraordinary refraction index in
a liquid crystal by a simple measurement of the displacement of the
light spot on the screen. Now, I have another diploma student. Her
goal is to measure the angle dependence of the extraordinary refraction
index by practically the same method.
Diploma thesa, which my students work under my supervision all use liquid
crystals as birefringent material. As I work on the field of LC
theoretically, is for me somewhat easier and more interesting than the work
with crystals. There are also some pros for the LC - the difference is
extremely large and the samples can be made very thin
and of an arbitrary shape.
Regards Mojca
Dr. Mojca Čepič or Doc. Dr.
Mojca Čepič
Jožef Stefan Institute Faculty
of Education
Jamova 39
Kardeljeva pl. 16
1000 Ljubljana 1000
e-mail: mojca.cepic@ijs.si
tel.: +386 61 17 73 471 +386 61 18
92 200
fax.: +386 61 17 73 716 +386 61 18
92 233