I used to show students both "the long way" using two free body
diagrams with complete listing of all vector components, and also the
"short way" using intuition, etc. I actually referred to these as "the
formal way" and the "intuition way."
It became clear, real fast, that students always looked for the short
way, and refused to plug through the formal way. By the time they got
to exams, many could not do the formal way because they hadn't
practiced it enough. They had done most homework problems by
intuition... often not very good intuition, I'm afraid.
This frustrated me because I tried to teach that the formal way always
works, whereas intuition only works if you have good intuition. Of
course algebra mistakes, especially +- sign errors, are possible in the
formal way, but I didn't take off many (if any) points for that kind of
error if the student was doing a good job of writing down the formal
vector analysis.
Occasionally mediocre students who knew they had poor intuition would
take the time to grasp the formal way, and they would outperform bright
students trying to rely on intuition. When I saw that kind of thing
happening, I knew I was doing a disservice to the bright students by
not forcing them to do things in a formal manner. (Of course they
never seemed to mind the disservice.)
Today I require that all students to do things the formal way. I often
point out the intuitive options, but I don't allow that on homework or
exams. I point out the intuitive option after I've obtained the formal
result... usually by saying something like, "Look, this result makes
sense if we view this problem a slightly different way..."
Michael D. Edmiston, Ph.D. Phone/voice-mail: 419-358-3270
Professor of Chemistry & Physics FAX: 419-358-3323
Chairman, Science Department E-Mail edmiston@bluffton.edu
Bluffton College
280 West College Avenue
Bluffton, OH 45817