It sounds like there's a lot of uniformity out there. Bluffton College
seems the same, but I'll say so officially by giving the record below.
A: excellent achievement
B: good achievement
C: fair achievement
D: poor achievement, but passing
E: failing
* 2.0 GPA required for graduation (overall) and also in major.
* All courses required for major must be passed at C level or higher
(otherwise they must be repeated or else the department can waive
through a D if there's some reason to do so).
* Credit/No-credit courses require C or higher for credit. Supposedly
the professor does not know who is credit/no-credit. We turn in a
regular grade; the computer changes it to CR/NC based upon what we turn
in. Of course, if the student is on the C/D borderline, and they're
taking the course credit/no-credit, they're sure to tell us that
they're registered CR/NC... they think that will encourage us to give
the C rather than D. (Tends to make me go the other way, however.)
* 2.5 GPA required for teacher education graduates (all fields).
Michael D. Edmiston, Ph.D. Phone/voice-mail: 419-358-3270
Professor of Chemistry & Physics FAX: 419-358-3323
Chairman, Science Department E-Mail
Bluffton College
280 West College Avenue
Bluffton, OH 45817