I was just thinking that a lot of smaller schools may have one or two
pieces of good quality equipment for undergraduate research projects and
eager students. However, coming up with good projects with just the
limited equipment is challenging.
So I had a thought - why not start a list of people/schools with equimpent
they might be willing to share for undergraduate projects. Then someone
with a dream of a big project but limited facilities might be able to fill
in some of the gaps, while those with under-utilized equipment might find
someone else just dropping a great project into their laps
For example, here at Fort Hays State University in KS, we have a pretty
nice powder x-ray diffractometer that sits idle 98% of the time and two
faculty members who are pretty well trained in its use. I'm sure there are
people around who could benefit from x-ray diffraction studies. Why not
have some way of putting the two together???
This seems like a good place to get some feedback and perhaps start the
ball rolling. If there is enough interest, I could set up a web page to
try to put people together. (single white male, 36, with x-ray
diffractometer and experience in oxide superconductors seeks collaborator
with electron microscope for possible long term relationships ;-)