My original posting about the significant figure problem was not meant to
imply that we need to teach significant figures in a rigorous way--just try
to get students to become aware of limitations. My favoriye story: A
farmer was aked about an unusual rock formation near his home. He said the
rock was "twenty-million and three years ild." Asked how he could be so
sure, he replied that a geologist told him it was twenty million years old
and he was here three years ago!
See the Physics Teacher this month about how 98.6 degrees got to be the
official body temperature.
Van E. Neie
Dept of Physics PH: (765) 494-5511
Purdue University FAX: (765) 494-0706
1396 PHYS Bldg
W. Lafayette, IN 47907-1396
"There ain't no rules around here! We're trying to accomplish something!"
--Thomas Alva Edison