Would you do me the great favor of responding to the following 5 questions. It should take only a couple of minutes. Please respond directly to me at rodavies@du.edu. I will post a summary of the responses to the list. I do not want to risk biasing the result by discussing my reasons for asking. I will explain when I post the results. Thank you.
At what level do you teach physics? high school university/college I don't teach. other
Are you familiar with the concept of "rapidity" as used in the high energy physics community? yes no
Have you ever taught an undergraduate or high school course which included special relativity? yes no
If you answered yes to the previous question, has the topic of rapidity ever been included? yes no
If you answered yes to the previous question, would you please write a couple of sentences describing the audience and scope of the course(s) and the extent to which rapidity was included?
* Rob Davies, Ph.D.
* Lecturer and Laboratory Manager
* University of Denver
* Department of Physics and Astronomy
* Denver, CO. USA
* rodavies@du.edu