If anyone is interested, I've invented a materialist paradigm of
physics which is an hierarchical structure of numbers and arrows
that overthrows the abstractionist (mathematics) paradigm of
physics. It can be viewed at
Let's face it, the abstractionist (mathematics) paradigm was past
its use by date.
Stephen Mooney
1. The Universe is a totally materialist process, and
establishment physics is an abstractionist paradigm which does
not adequately represent the materialist process of the Universe.
2. The Universe is infinite in all directions and finite in its
construction possibilities.
3. The Universe has a groundstate of absorption and emission of
radiation, and rotation, and this is represented at the top of the
materialist paradigm.
4. The groundstate forms the core of all matter.
5. Matter is fused or collected radiation and radiation is
composed of matter and is the dispersion of matter.
6. Within the materialist paradigm the terms matter and mass are
synonymous as the quantity of matter, and the terms energy and
radiation and emission are synonymous.
7. Everything absorbs and emits radiation and has a radiation
field which absorbs and emits radiation.
8. The radiation field of an object is constructed from the
emission of the object and the emission of radiation field
impacting upon the objects radiation field, and part of the
emission of each field is absorbed by the other field.
9. Radiation is absorbed via the emission of radiation and
emitted via the absorption of radiation.
10 The absorption and emission of radiation forms a
dissymmetrical dichotomy in that emission either exceeds
absorption or absorption exceeds emission.
11. The quantity and density of radiation fields falls off by the
square of the distance and is represented on the materialist
paradigm with the numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, etc and [1], [3], [5], [6],
12. The absorption of radiation is the absorption of mass just as
the emission of radiation is the emission of mass.
13. Objects are either increasing or decreasing in mass.
14. Matter (as opposed to radiation) is only stable within
parameters of the density of impacting and absorbed radiation.
15. All attraction, from the microscale to the macroscale, is
caused by the absorption of radiation.
16. Repulsion is caused by objects pushing way with their
17. The acceleration of an object that is due to attraction is
proportional to the density of the radiation field of the object to
which it is attracted.
18. The force of attraction between two objects is proportional
to the sum of the density of their radiation fields minus the
distance between the objects.
19. The attraction of orbiting objects is countered by their
orbital motion.
20. The orbital motion of orbiting objects is maintained through
them being pulled around by the rotation of the radiation field of
the object that they are orbiting, e.g. the orbital motion of the
planets is maintained by them being pulled around by the
rotation of the Sun and its radiation field.
21. Stars are formed from the radiation called space and this
entails a stage of absorption exceeding emission (which could be
called a blackhole), followed by a stage of emission exceeding
absorption when they become readily visible.
22. The bursts of gamma radiation detected from all directions in
the cosmic sky are exploding first stage stars.
23. The explosion of stars is precipitated by the density of
impacting radiation.
24. The rotation of galaxies and stars and planets and particles is
derived from the rotation of the groundstate.
25. The materialist paradigm also pertains to the formation,
functioning, and evolution of biology and thereby integrates