PIRA (Physics Instructional Resource Association) members and
prospective members:
I am looking at setting up a membership list to help members contact
each other. If I do this it will be a web site in the form of:
John Doe
Lab/Demo God
Physics Dept.
Never-Never University
Never-Never Land
Office Phone: 666-666-6666
Fax: 666-666-6669
Email: jdoe@timbuktu.edu
Web: timbukto.com
1: Please let me know if you object to this.
2: Do you think if done, it should be password access?
Jerry Hester
Laboratory/Lecture Demonstrations Coordinator
Department of Physics
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI 49931-1295
Phone: (906) 487-2273
Fax: (906) 487-2933