If you are using Fishbane, Gasiorowicz and Thornton's "Physics",
take a look at the box at the top of p. 813. It shows an AC
cliparound ammeter. In the text it says it works by exploiting
Ampere's law; the caption under the figure says it works by
exploiting Faraday's law. This is probably an incredibly sloppy
job of only half correcting a serious error which was pointed
out to the authors. When I taught the course to 185 students
last semester, the second time I've taught from that book, not
a single one of the students pointed to that error or asked me
about it.
I conclude they don't read the textbooks, but the textbooks
should still be correct!
I've just been informed by my Departmental assistant that my
enrolments are up to 335 (full) and 116 (room holds 152).
These are the last large classes I will teach before I retire.
Given my belief that no one reads the textbook, why should I
care that they don't seem to learn?