The US Office of Research Integrity has reported intentional
falsification and fabrication of data by a biochemist studying
the effects of ambient electromagnetic fields (power lines and
home appliances) on biological cells. The researcher is Robert P.
Liburdy, formerly of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
(US). Liburdy has agreed to request retraction of his published
papers. Liburdy's findings were apparently among the first to
offer a plausible mechanism for a possible link between EMF
exposure and cancer or other diseases. In 1992, in two papers of
which he was the sole author, Liburdy published evidence that
EMFs increase the flow of calcium into lymphocytes. At that time,
the papers produced much interest because there are known
mechanisms by means of which calcium signaling could conceivably
lead to cancer. Liburdy had been awarded more than US$3.3 million
in federal grants for his EMF research. The current consensus
among researchers is that scientific evidence that EMF exposure
poses any health risk is weak, and that research by a number of
independent laboratories has failed to demonstrate any consistent
pattern. (Science 2 Jul 99)