Michael Edmiston cites the common inclusion of pendulum clocks as
examples of resonance. I've never seen that, but I would think
it incorrect as well. Could he be thinking of the example of
resonance seen when two pendulum clocks are weakly coupled, say
be placing both on the same nonrigid shelf? That's one of my
favorites. (While I was a grad student I made a Wilberforce
pendulum which we use to this day in SFU demonstrations.) In the
two-clock case there is good reason to speak of resonance, though
the analysis is also easy by considering normal modes as beating
with each other.
I'm happy now; several people (who had been silent) now do seem
to understand my point. I know we all love this film and want to
show it, but hey, let's not let it stand in the way of our
students' understanding.