Apparently including publishing contraversial books whose title's first word is Dialog/Dialogo.
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From: "Bonham, Scott via Phys-l" <>
Date: 2/17/25 10:59 AM (GMT-05:00)
Cc: "Bonham, Scott" <>
Subject: Re: [Phys-L] [EXTERNAL] Phys-l Digest, Vol 241, Issue 2
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bc ? notes : The Galilei family included important musicians.
Galileo's father Vincenzio (a lutest, teacher and music theory) was a leading advocate for moving away from the Pythagorean scale, publishing a book when Galileo was 14 entitled "Dialogue of Ancient and Modern Music," that generated pushback from the traditionalists. So Galileo inherited a family history of publishing controversial books that advocated for new vs. traditional ideas.