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Re: [Phys-L] Solar Powered Direct Hot Water System

> On 2024/Jun/06, at 23:04, Michael Thomason via Phys-l 
> <> wrote:
> Also installing air source heat pump right now,

I almost had a heat pump installed and then a little thought resulted in the 
future an ordinary window Air Chiller.  Electric heat engine for heating is a 
mistake, I think, if one has Nat. Gas.  Of course I may be corrected.  Nat. gas 
is abut 50% energy source for electricity here is central Ca.  not the most 
efficient method or heating ones home. I think gas pipes are less expensive 
than wires, and, except fro San Bruno, less fire problem.  True a furnace has 
some out the flue.  One internet source agrees with me.  A heat engine is 
better for heat than Joule heating, of course,  

bc  …. expects comments.  

p.s.  This is even though I have solar panels on the roof.   Only need heating 
when there’s less sun. [Both time and clouds]