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Re: [Phys-L] Percent of Sun Covered Duing Eclipse

Were you using a light meter? If so, I would have expected in the neighborhood 
of an 88% drop.

But not if your perception was relying on your eyes which adapt to different 
light levels easily. It may have been objectively 88% darker but your 
magnificent eye-brain system decided you still needed to see, so it told you it 
wasn’t really that dark.


> On Apr 8, 2024, at 4:14 PM, dgpolvani--- via Phys-l <> 
> wrote:
> Here in Baltimore one of the weather stations announced our partial eclipse
> would be 88% at maximum (3:02 pm EDT).  At this time, the sky did grow
> darker, but not as dark as I expected given an 88% eclipse.  Was the weather
> report wrong, or is the amount of sunlight received by a spot on the earth
> not directly proportional to the amount of the sun's disk visible at that
> spot?  I am ignoring secondary effects such as the sun's corona.
> Don Polvani retired physicist, engineer
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