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Re: [Phys-L] Several thousands of $$ for this:'s_beads. 

Since full “sunlight’ overexposed.  So Canon responds with red.   My guess.  

bc ,,,,   ’s memory weird.  Remembers something he heard once from the most 
rapid speaker astronomer on PBS long ago. and still can’t remember the capitol 
of Cuba where he hopes to go soon. Both have famous Malecóns (Cuba and 

p.s.  I planned to start videoing at totality and forgot.  I did look at 
totality, but don’t remember how it compared to the view through the SLR.  Or 
it’s screen.  With four minutes one would think I’d do much more.  Not 
incidentally, I’d class it as not a total eclipse, as it didn’t get very dark.  
Enough light so I could read a book.  

Wait ————   Yes, I think Anthony is correct.  By opening the pic. and blowing 
up they do look like prominences.  Since they are edge fuzzy, I think in focus, 
as the moon edge is sharper.  I must look at the others.  It’s F/8 so the focus 
had some ‘width”.  In many tries, I would take several pics with varying 
position of the focus ring, bc my eyesight is poor and 500mm low magnification. 
 Maybe some camera shake.  The display claims 1/640 second.  The whole point of 
viewing is to see the promonances!  

> On 8, Apr2024, at 17:49, Anthony Lapinski via Phys-l <> 
> wrote:
> I think those are prominences/flares that are out of focus.
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 5:34 PM Sam Sampere via Phys-l <
>> wrote:
>> Nice! Cloudy here :(
>> What are the red dots at totality?
>> Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S22 5G, an AT&T 5G smartphone
>> Get Outlook for Android<>
>> ________________________________
>> From: Phys-l <> on behalf of bernard cleyet
>> via Phys-l <>
>> Sent: Monday, April 8, 2024 5:01:35 PM
>> To: <>; Monterey County Weekly <
>> Cc: bernard cleyet <>
>> Subject: [Phys-L] Several thousands of $$ for this:
>> bc   …..   thought it was his last chance, but thinks there's one in
>> Australia in a few years; probably dead by then.
>> p.s. I’m  very sad and angry that Nancy is not with me (Mazatlán) using
>> her money. (Elem.  school teacher)
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