Phys-L List Archive
(by Date) of June, 2022
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[Phys-L] 11 outa 1299!
06/09/2022 23:47, bernard cleyet
[Phys-L] Why I want to move to New Zealand
06/10/2022 03:07, bernard cleyet
Re: [Phys-L] 11 outa 1299!
06/10/2022 14:37, Brian Whatcott
[Phys-L] intro modern physics textbook
06/15/2022 18:14, Larry Smith
Re: [Phys-L] intro modern physics textbook
06/19/2022 16:25, Brian Whatcott
Re: [Phys-L] intro modern physics textbook
06/20/2022 15:11, Dan Radulescu
Re: [Phys-L] intro modern physics textbook
06/20/2022 15:19, Todd Pedlar
Re: [Phys-L] intro modern physics textbook
06/20/2022 16:45, bernard cleyet
Re: [Phys-L] intro modern physics textbook
06/20/2022 18:01, Dan Radulescu
Re: [Phys-L] Two questions on General Relativity
06/28/2022 03:47, Antti Savinainen
Re: [Phys-L] Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Unexpected Places: A Looped Double Catenary & A Block/Plank Balanced on a Cylinder (very long)
06/28/2022 23:17, David Bowman
Re: [Phys-L] Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Unexpected Places: A Looped Double Catenary & A Block/Plank Balanced on a Cylinder (very long)
06/29/2022 06:56, John Denker
Re: [Phys-L] Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Unexpected Places: A Looped Double Catenary & A Block/Plank Balanced on a Cylinder (very long)
06/29/2022 10:37, David Bowman
Re: [Phys-L] Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Unexpected Places: A Looped Double Catenary & A Block/Plank Balanced on a Cylinder (very long)
06/29/2022 11:01, David Bowman
Re: [Phys-L] Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Unexpected Places: A Looped Double Catenary & A Block/Plank Balanced on a Cylinder (very long)
06/29/2022 19:00, David Bowman
Re: [Phys-L] Ex: Re: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Unexpected Places: A Looped Double Catenary & A Block/Plank Balanced on a Cylinder (very long)
06/29/2022 23:13, John Mallinckrodt
[Phys-L] Quantum measurement problem
06/30/2022 03:08, Antti Savinainen
Re: [Phys-L] Ex: Re: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Unexpected Places: A Looped Double Catenary & A Block/Plank Balanced on a Cylinder (very long)
06/30/2022 09:55, David Bowman
Re: [Phys-L] Quantum measurement problem
06/30/2022 10:01, John Denker
Re: [Phys-L] Ex: Re: Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Unexpected Places: A Looped Double Catenary & A Block/Plank Balanced on a Cylinder (very long)
06/30/2022 17:15, Brian Whatcott
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