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Re: [Phys-L] tennis article

That would be Brody, H. (1979) Physics of the tennis racket. American Journal of Physics 47, 482-487.
Brody, H. (1981) Physics of the tennis racket II: The sweet spot. American Journal of Physics, 49, 816-819.
...or to put it into a physics context: the Intermediate Axis of Inertia Theorem nicely popularized here:The Bizarre Behavior of Rotating Bodies

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The Bizarre Behavior of Rotating Bodies




On Monday, August 23, 2021, 10:19:46 PM CDT, Anthony Lapinski <> wrote:

I want to read "Physics Of The Tennis Racket" by Howard Brody. I think it
was only published in the June, 1979 issue of the AJP. Can anyone post/send
me the article?



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