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The one caveat I have is motion
analysis generally takes considerable time and some experience. Start
with simple things and work up to more difficult motions. Such
analysis is a good skill builder but best learned incrementally.
5. Motion analysis from videos require some skill in making
assumptions. E.g. where is Simone's c.o.m.? For a typical person
their center of mass would be approximately at their belly button.
But Simone is really muscular so may be atypical. A good question
would be to ask "Can one verify Simone's center of mass using
information from the video?" Perhaps this is bootstrapping? Again
another lead in to better understanding of how to solve problems by
making and verifying assumptions.
1. An object in the earth's gravitational field falls with an
acceleration of 9.8 m/s each second
2. An airborne object's horizontal velocity (assuming horizontal
velocity is slow enough for drag to be negligible) doesn't change
doesn't change significantly.
4. Getting good results requires thoughtful placement of the camera.
Not so thoughtful placements can lead into discussions of why 1, 2
and/or 3 do not appear to be valid.
Although there are better ways to analyze human motions camera views
are not really so terrible to analyze. There is free motion tracker
software. I believe Vernier and Pasco , and perhaps others provide
analysis software in their offerings.