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Re: [Phys-L] neutrons

Since I’m an experimentalist, not theory, I thought I’d attach a bar magnet to a vibrator (I have a powerful one for preparing [registering?] paper for binding) and use a loop antenna, diode, and my Keithley. However, I think the second part of this <> does all.

bc … may have misunderstood.

BTW, are we going to have an "off topic” list serve?

On 2021/Feb/09, at 11:01, John Denker via Phys-l <> wrote:

On 2/9/21 10:14 AM, David Ward wrote:

I recognize that a neutron has a non-zero magnetic moment, that it is
a collection of quarks with a total electric charge of zero. Here's
the student question: If a neutron were made to move, would its
electromagnetic nature result in EM wave propagation?

My first answer is no, but there is that magnetic moment and the
substructure of the neutron. A cursory glance with Google led to one
or two hits where people implied it might emit.

The short answer is yes, if you wiggle a neutron, it will radiate
(except maybe on a set of measure zero, if you wiggle it in just
the wrong way).

I don't have a nice simple explanation of why, which probably
means I don't understand the topic as well as I should ... but
here's the best I can do.

E) You may be familiar a radio antenna in the form of an electric
dipole. Just a wire. Electrons run up and down the wire. The E
field of the electrons does the work.
M) There are also loop antennas. A loop of one or more turns of
wire. AC current flows in the loop. Changing magnetic field.

A neutron looks like a magnetic dipole. So wiggling a neutron
will look more like item (M) than item (E) above. The pattern
of radiation in space will be different from what you would get
from an electric dipole.

much cut