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Phys-l-ers and Bcc!
I read that 5% of exposed would become symptomatic after 14 days quarantine, the usual period. Lost reference!
Wow! Not good. So I did some searching:
First I found this:
Tho. the authors suggest a 14 day quarantine is sufficient, I used their data for the two normal distrib. coefficients and found an approximately 0.0013 prob. of exceeding 14 days. With ~ 75k diseased this gives ~ 98 people who shoulda been quarantined longer. However there are many factors that modify this number, for example: many will be detected during their incubation some time after they were infected.
Note: N = rather small, and they give a rather large SD for the coefficients.
After consuming two hours searching and writing I found this :
bc … shoulda searched backwards! And is not a statistician
p.s. there is a v. large number of articles on covid-19. And with a Rho [zero] >= 4.7, [Ref. 5 of R0 below] one may calculate the expected infection rate due to the ~ 98, which is beyond my ability.
Data, calculator, explanation, etc. :
note: references 4, 5, and 6.
Normal distrib. calculator ( I’m lazy and pray I used it correctly.)
Number of cases
Risk for transportation of covid-19
Estimation of the Time-Varying Reproduction Number of COVID-19 Outbreak in China :
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