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Re: [Phys-L] Great Conjunction


I must practice setting up my Celestron-8 well before.

bc ... has suffered before by procrastinating.

On 2020/Nov/30, at 15:36, Anthony Lapinski <> wrote:

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! I posted this at my school, and
thought I'd share it with the group. I'm getting my telescope ready!
Astronomy is FAR OUT!

Mark your calendar! On December 21 Jupiter and Saturn will appear extremely
close in the sky and will look like a double planet! They will be separated
by only 0.1° - about 1/5 the diameter of the full Moon! It may be
challenging to distinguish them with unaided eyes for some people. In
reality the planets will be much farther apart - 4.8 times the distance
between the Sun and Earth. Jupiter-Saturn pairings/conjunctions are rare
(occur about every 20 years), but they have not been this close in the sky
since the Middle Ages (specifically, on March 4, 1226)!


Don't miss this rare, historical, remarkable, and spectacular event!

P.S. You don't have to wait until the winter solstice to see Jupiter and
Saturn. They are visible all month. They appear 2° apart (4 moon diameters)
on December 1. Watch them slowly move closer together every night. On
December 16 they'll be just one Moon diameter (0.5°) apart.

P.P.S. The next Great Conjunction is on Halloween, 2040, when these planets
will be 1° apart (two Moon diameters) before sunrise.

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